
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

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on January 24, 2013 at 11:57:45 am



NOTE: This class has moved to a larger space and will meet in Klaus 1443.


This is the website for the Spring 2013 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (MUC) course at Georgia Tech. This course is cross-listed for Computer Science grad students as CS 7470 and undergrads as CS 4605, and for Industrial Design grad students as ID 8900 and undergrads as ID 4823. Lectures are held 9:35PM - 10:55PM Tuesday and Thursday in Klaus 1443. Some supplementary lessons on prototyping equipment will be held in the Prototyping Lab in the basement of the Tech Square Research Building (TSRB).




Dr. Thad Starner (thad AT gatech.edu)

Office: Tech Square Research Building, Second Floor, Room 239
Office Hours: Tue 4:30pm to 6:00pm in College of Computing 337 and by email appointment


Dr. Gregory D. Abowd (abowd AT gatech.edu) 
Office: Tech Square Research Building, Third Floor, Room 329  or Health Systems Institute, 2nd Floor, Room 220H 
Office Hours: Tue 4:30pm to 6:00pm in College of Computing 337 and by email appointment


Clint Zeagler (clintzeagler AT gatech.edu)

Office Hours: by email appointment




Caleb Southern (caleb.southern AT gatech.edu)
Office: Tech Square Research Building, Third Floor, Room 329 Student Area
Office Hours: by email appointment




Krumm, J. (2009). Ubiquitous Computing (1st ed.). Chapman & Hall/CRC.





Everyone in the class will be expected to read the required readings. All the readings and when they are due will be posted on the Calendar


Students are also required to sign up for at least two additional readings, lead a class discussion on them, and submit a brief written summary of the reading. The additional readings and their due dates will be posted on the Calendar. You can sign up for the additional readings on the Additional Readings Sign-Up page. You can submit your written summaries on T-Square. They are due before class on the day they are listed on the calendar. There is a separate T-Square assignment for Additional Reading #1 and Additional Reading #2. Please do not wait until the end of the semester to do your additional readings. We would like to limit each additional reading to four people on the sign-up page.


To get credit for an additional reading, you must: 1) turn in a written summary on T-Square; and 2) come to class on the appropriate day and lead a discussion about the reading. The readings and discussion are essential to your Class Participation grade. Please be prepared to discuss the required readings and any additional readings you sign up for on the day they are listed on the Calendar.




Dates, readings, additional readings and assignments are all posted on the Calendar . Please visit this page often as it will be updated regularly.




There will be two group projects during the semester. The second project can be a continuation of the first, or a completely new project. We expect projects to be original research. You can build on previous ideas, but it is not appropriate to replicate previous work.


You are responsible for forming teams composed of four students. There can be at most one Industrial Design student on each team. 


We will have guests presenting project ideas on Tue 1/15 and Thu 1/17 in class. You can read about some projects from previous years below. You are also welcome to come up with your own project idea, provided you can form a team around it.


Project 1

You can form your teams and present your own project ideas on the editable page, Team Formation and Project Ideas.

(I will grant permission to students to edit this after the drop deadline, and I'll send out a T-Square announcement when I do this.)


You need to form your teams by Tuesday Jan 22. (There will be limited time in class to finalize the teams on this day.)

The Project 1 written proposal is due a week after that, on Jan 29. See the Calendar.


Projects from Previous Years

2011: http://gtubicomp.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewFolder&param=Project

2009: https://wiki.cc.gatech.edu/ccg/classes/muc/fall09


Project Proposal Guidelines

Please include the following in your Project Proposal. Bring two paper copies to class, and one member of the group must also submit electronically on T-Square.

(The proposal should be 1-2 pages.)

  • Title
  • Group Members and their Roles 
  • Description of what your group plans to do for the project and your approach
  • Motivation: why the work matters
  • Description of previous research in the area 
  • Resources you may need (in terms of hardware, software, etc)
    • How do you plan to get these resources? 
  • Timeline
  • Grading Criteria - What are the goals or deliverables of this project that you think we should grade you by
  • References - this class is not about recreating existing work.
    • Use Google Scholar, Citeseer, and the GaTech Library. They track academic papers and help you find references.


Project 1 Deliverables



  • Bring two hard copies to class, and one team member must also submit electronically on T-Square.
  • Please submit as a PDF. 
  • The writeup will be 3 pages. It should follow the UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) format. Links to the Latex and Word templates for this format can be found here. (Use the SIGCHI Papers Word Template or LaTex Template.)
  • You may submit appendices which include design documents or other diagrams such as circuit layouts. These will not count towards your three pages.
  • The sections we would like to see in your writeup are:
    • Introduction - What you're doing, why it's important
    • Previous/Related work - What's already been done and why are you different
    • Your Work
    • Discussion - What have you learned
    • Future Work - What remains to be done for your project
    • Conclusions - Take home points/Recap
    • References


  • Upload your video to a publicly viewable file sharing site (youtube, etc.) You can submit the link to the video on T-Square. 
  • The video should be roughly 3-5 minutes.
  • Show, don't tell
  • These videos should be more about telling a story than just a rundown of technology. Demonstrate your work in action.
    • A simple way to include a tech description is to just have a still of the technology with text and arrows for a short time.



Industrial Design students may refer to the ID syllabus and check with Clint Zeagler for specific requirements.




Computer Science Sections


  • Class Participation - 20%
  • Exams - 20%
    • In-class final exam for the undergrad section
    • Written take-home final exam for the graduate section 
  • Project 1 - 25% 
    • Proposal - 5%
    • Project work - 15%
    • Paper & Video - 5% 
  • Project 2 - 35%
    • Proposal - 5%
    • Project work - 15%
    • Paper & Video - 10%
    • Presentation - 5%



Industrial Design

ID 4823: Undergraduate Section


  • Class Participation - 10% 
  • Project 1 - 40%
    • Proposal - 5%
    • Project work - 15%
    • Paper - 10%
    • Video / Poster - 5% 
  • Project 2 - 50%
    • Proposal - 5%
    • Project work - 10%
    • Paper - 10%
    • Video / Poster - 5%
    • Presentation - 5%


ID 8900: Graduate Section


  • Class Participation - 5% 
  • Project 1 - 35%
    • Proposal - 5%
    • Project work - 10%
    • Paper - 10%
    • Video / Poster- 5% 
  • Project 2 - 50%
    • Proposal - 5%
    • Project work - 10%
    • Paper - 10%
    • Video / Poster - 5%
    • Presentation - 5% 
  • Exam 10%



Prototyping Lab

You must attend an orientation session before you can get buzzcard access to the lab and use the equipment.

See orientation and training sessions on the lab calendar:


More information:






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